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Academic Publications

Climate Transition Risk and The Role of Bank Capital Regulation 
Economic Modelling (2024), joint with Enric Martorell
orking paper Banco de España. Slides
Presentations: Malta - 2023 Dynare Conference, Montpellier - 2023 International Conference in Finance, Banking and Accounting (ICFBA), Paris - Bank the France, 2023 Green Finance Research Advances Conference, Society for Economic Dynamics (Barcelon 2024).

How should bank capital requirements be set to deal with climate-related transition risks? We build a general equilibrium macro banking model where production requires fossil and low-carbon energy intermediate inputs, and the banking sector is subject to volatility risk linked to changes in energy prices. Introducing carbon taxes to reduce carbon emissions in fossil energy induces risk spillovers into the banking sector. Sectoral capital requirements can effectively address risks from energy-related exposures, benefiting household welfare and indirectly facilitating capital reallocation. Absent carbon taxes, implementing fossil penalizing capital requirements does not reduce emissions significantly and may threaten financial stability. During the transition, capital requirements can complement carbon tax policies, safeguarding financial stability and trading off long-run welfare gains at the expense of lower investment and credit supply in the short run.

How do information frictions in the securitization market amplify the response of mortgage credit supply to house price shocks ? I develop a theoretical framework where banks sell loans to investors in a securitization market affected by banks' private information about the quality of loans. When accounting for such information frictions, house price shocks affect banks' securitization volumes through nonlinear price and quantity effects. These non-linearities affect banks' available liquidity and, in turn, amplify the fluctuations of mortgage credit supply. The degree of amplification is also a function of the technological differences in managing portfolios between banks and investors. The model is informative on how information frictions can induce large fluctuations in mortgage credit supply.

Working Papers and Work in Progress

Mortgage Securitization and Information Frictions in General Equilibrium
Revise and Resubmit at the Review of Economic Dynamics

2022 Working Paper Banco de España. Summary Research Feature
2019 Winner of the AREUEA Homer Hoyt Doctoral Dissertation Award

I develop a quantitative model of the U.S. housing-mortgage market that can be used to quantify the importance of liquidity and information frictions in driving aggregate mortgage credit, household default, and house price dynamics.

The Heterogeneous Bank Lending Channel of Monetary Policy 
joint with Jorge Abad, Saki Bigio, Galo Nuño, Joel Marbet

We study how bank heterogeneity in capital ratios and loan-rate pricing affects the transmission of monetary policy through the bank-lending channel.

From Macroeconomic Stability to Welfare: Optimizing Fiscal Rules in Commodity-Dependent Economies
joint with Rodrigo Heresi.  Revise and Resubmit at the Journal of Development Economics (new draft coming soon!)

We study the welfare and macroeconomic implications of simple and implementable fiscal policy rules in commodity-dependent economies, where a large fraction of households have limited access to credit markets.

The consequences of Macroprudential Policy for Consumption, Housing Tenure, and Mortgage Pricing
Joint with Maximiliano San-Millan

We analyze how bank capital requirements and borrower constraints (loan-to-value and payment-to-income limits) jointly affect households' consumption, housing tenure, mortgage default, and financial stability.

Wedges: Taxes vs Policies. A cross-country analysis 
joint with Paulina Restrepo-Echavarria, Lee Ohanian, Mark L. J. Wright

Policy Publications

Implications of Higher Inflation and Interest Rates for Macroprudential Policy Stance
ECB Ocassional Paper - October 2024, European Central Bank 

Bank of Spain Financial Stability Report.
Fall 2023, Spring 2024, Fall 2024 - Banco de España

Can  Bank  Capital  Requirements  Address  Climate  Transition  risks?
Policy Brief - July 2024, SUERF 

How  asymmetries  of  information  can  amplify  house  price  shocks  to  the  supply  of  mortgage credit?
Policy Brief - Septiembre 2023, SUERF 

Countercyclical Fiscal Rule, an Analysis for Chile (Pre-doctoral publication)


Revista Compendium. Cuadernos de Economia y Administración - 2016

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